Category: General NSWA Field Reporting Panel

7:00 pm
April 24, 2024

University House

Registration page: NSWA Field Reporting Panel

Are you interested in going on location to report important stories, but feel a little unprepared? Come to our panel on Wednesday April 24 at 7:00 pm at University House.

This is designed for writers interested in reporting stories that require or are enhanced through field reporting. Want to get started field reporting but unsure how? Feel unsure about how to find the right sources and stay safe abroad? Or maybe you want to be sure to avoid the pitfalls common to “parachute journalism.”

Seattle-area science writers with experience in field reporting will discuss tips, tricks, and things to know when gathering stories and reporting in the field–from how to find a fixer to essential gear to stay safe.

The panel will be moderated by NSWA Secretary Jenny Morber, who has experience finding and reporting stories in locations such as Senegal, Israel, and the Ecuadorian Amazon. After the panel attendees are invited to walk to a nearby watering hole to share their field reporting experiences (and war stories).

We’d love to have you in-person but if you can’t be there, Zoom in.

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