Category: General Orcas and Salmon: In Dialogue with Lynda Mapes of the Seattle Times

6:00 pm
September 17, 2020

Zoom video meeting

Registration page: Orcas and Salmon: In Dialogue with Lynda Mapes of the Seattle Times

THE TIME IS NOW if we want to save the endangered southern resident orca whales. Join Seattle Times Journalist Lynda Mapes September 17th, at 6pm PST to learn about the southern resident orca whales and Chinook salmon that are a signature of our region. Lynda will discuss the status of the Southern residents, including updates on the pregnancy of Tahlequah (J35), and share about what's its like covering these two interdependent special--whales and salmon--and their struggle for survival, which Lynda reported on in the award-winning Seattle Times “Hostile Waters” series.

The event will also include a dialogue with Helen Cherullo, Executive Director of Braided River, the publisher of Lynda’s forthcoming book ORCA: Shared Waters, Shared Home, about how multimedia conservation storytelling can be leveraged to build a movement to protect and recover the Salish Sea and the orca and salmon who call this place home. This project is being brought to life with the support of people like you-- and you can get your name, or the name of a loved one in the book--until October 1st at at

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