Category: NSWA event Decolonizing Science Communication II: Indigenizing Science Journalism and Uplifting Native Stories that Matter

7:00 pm
October 8, 2020

Zoom video meeting

Registration page: Decolonizing Science Communication II: Indigenizing Science Journalism and Uplifting Native Stories that Matter

This second event in NSWA’s Decolonizing Science Communication series features two Indigenous writers from British Columbia who have deep experience covering stories about environmental issues in the Pacific Northwest that deeply affect First Nations peoples. Their work models how journalists can address the disproportionate dominance of Western thought, values, and culture in science and journalism and help to return Native thought and understanding to debates where they have been historically suppressed.

Our esteemed speakers are Emilee Gilpin and Cara McKenna, who are working as part of a large team of Indigenous reporters on an initiative called IndigiNews. Their discussion will include case studies and practical tips for Indigenizing journalism and uplifting the stories that matter involving First Nations and Native American peoples, as well as questions from the audience.

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