Category: NSWA event NSWA EVENT - Finding Your Data Story with Tableau Public

6:30 pm
March 25, 2019


Registration page: NSWA EVENT - Finding Your Data Story with Tableau Public

We now have 20 members registered for this event, which is the workshop limit set by Tableau. Please email if you’d like to be added to a waitlist. We’ll be in touch the day before (Sunday, May 24) if a spot opens up.

Ever wanted to incorporate data into your storytelling? From interactive maps to engaging graphs and charts, this workshop will help you understand how to turn raw public or scientific data into compelling visualizations ready to share online, using Tableau Public.

Tableau Public is free software that allows anyone to connect to a spreadsheet or file and create interactive data analytics for the web.

The company has offered to host NSWA at its Fremont HQ and provide an introductory 2-hour workshop into creating and publishing data visualizations.

This is the same workshop that was offered at the recent Investigative Reporters and Editors’ NICAR 2019 conference devoted to data journalism – but for NSWA members it’s free!

Participants should ideally have some experience working with data, or at least an enthusiasm for incorporating data into their journalism or narratives. You will also need to bring your own laptop and to create a free account on Tableau Public (which involves downloading some files) before the workshop.


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