Category: NSWA event NSWA EVENT - Optimism and Beer Mixer with grad students interested in science communication

5:30 pm
April 12, 2019

Optimism Brewing

Registration page: NSWA EVENT - Optimism and Beer Mixer with grad students interested in science communication

5:30 p.m. Friday, April 12
Optimism Brewing

Let’s mix and mingle with the next generation of science communicators by joining the ComSciCon-Pacific Northwest participants on Friday, April 12 at Optimism Brewing on Capitol Hill in Seattle, starting at 5:30 p.m.

Nearly 60 grad students from fields in science, engineering, technology and math are in town for the Communicating Science workshop, a series for graduate students focused on science communication skills.

It’s a unique opportunity to talk to students about their research and future interests and share your career path and perspective on opportunities they might consider.

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