Rose: Menus and Climate Change

Rose: Menus and Climate Change

Ian Rose (@ianrosewrites) writes for Hakai Magazine about how scientists are using more than a century of menus from restaurants in West Coast cities, such as the venerable Hotel Vancouver in B.C., to understand how the ocean has changed during that period. A century...
Wilcox: Bettas — Pets to Models

Wilcox: Bettas — Pets to Models

Christie Wilcox (@NerdyChristie) and her daughter recently brought home the girl’s first pet, “Sky Banana,” a lavender Betta fish. But these creatures offer more than human amusement. Writing for The Scientist, Wilcox takes us from Sky Banana into research labs, which...
Tour the Burke Museum Fish Collection

Tour the Burke Museum Fish Collection

Natural history museums can only display a fraction of their treasures. The Burke Museum is no exception. It has more than 11 million preserved fish specimens from around the world, though many of them hail from the North Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea, and Pacific...