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Category: General UW ESS Colloquium: Stephanie Olson (Purdue University) "Habitability and Biosignatures of Worlds with Extreme Seasons"

3:30 pm
May 23, 2024

University of Washington-Johnson Hall (JHN)

Registration page: UW ESS Colloquium: Stephanie Olson (Purdue University) "Habitability and Biosignatures of Worlds with Extreme Seasons"

Campus location Johnson Hall (JHN)
Campus room JHN 075
Accessibility Contact Summer Caton,
Event Types Lectures/Seminars

Keywords: astrobiology, exoplanets, habitability

Abstract: We expect that exoplanets in the habitable zone of their host stars will experience a large diversity of seasonal cycles, ranging from negligible to extreme. The consequences of both end-member scenarios for habitability and life are not well understood, but recent work suggests that extreme seasonality could increase biological productivity and amplify biosignature detectability through its impacts on ocean stratification. This talk will explore several dimensions of habitability, from the prospects for an independent origin of life to the likelihood of biospheric progression towards animal-grade complexity. This talk will also discuss how seasonality may affect the relationship between biosignature production and biosignature detectability with future telescopes such as the Habitable Worlds Observatory.

Please note: NSWA provides these event details as a courtesy to science-related organizations throughout the Pacific Northwest. Please confirm event details with the sponsoring organization before attending.