Northwest Science Writers Association

Image of Cat Bohannon's book "Eve"

Sept 6: Science Trivia Night!

NSWA is hosting a hybrid online and in-person trivia night at Bickerson’s Brewhouse in Seattle on Friday, September 6th from at 6:30-9:00 p.m. PT.

Play as a team, mix it up with random other players, or strike out on your own as you battle to be the reigning monarch of minutia. The event is free and prizes will be given out to the winning team!

More info here.

Sept 11: Heisman’s “Flight Paths”

The September Book Club will feature Rebecca Heisman’s book “Flight Paths
How a Passionate and Quirky Group of Pioneering Scientists Solved the Mystery of Bird Migration”. 

2024 Career Development Awards

Interested in advancing your career but lack the budget? Applications will be open for two NSWA Career Development Awards from August 6th to September 17th, 2024.

Sept 6: Science Trivia Night!

NSWA is hosting a hybrid online/in-person science trivia night on in Seattle on Friday, September 6th at 6:30 p.m. PT.

#nswasciwire – Recent work by our members

unused electric vehicle charger

Ferris: Electric Vehicles in Georgia

New member David Ferris writes for Politico about how Georgians perceive electric vehicles, which are bringing...
scientific diagram of transmembrane receptor binding its ligand

Rochman: Lung Cancer Science and a Survivor

For Fred Hutch News Service, Bonnie Rochman marks the 20th anniversary of the discovery of the role of EGFR gene mutations...
drawing of woman sleeping

Kuwana: Sleep Debt, Hormones, and the Brain

Writing for the Society for Neuroscience’s Neuroscience Quarterly, Ellen Kuwana reports on what sleep does for us and how...
diagram of Crohn's disease showing inflamed area

Ledford: Cracking IBD Mysteries

New research on the molecular mechanisms of inflammatory bowel disease points toward potential avenues for treatment,...
farmer on tractor on dirt farm road

Trent: Failing Small Farmers After Floods

In a feature for High Country News, Sarah Trent writes about what happened to small farms in California after massive...
Are you a science communicator in the Pacific Northwest? Consider joining. We have monthly events, feature member writing and more.