Northwest Science Writers Association

Image of Cat Bohannon's book "Eve"

August Bookclub: “Beloved Beasts” by Michelle Nijhuis

The August Book Club will feature Michelle Nijhuis’ award winning Beloved Beasts: Fighting for Life in an Age of Extinction. The book has been the book has been hailed as “at once thoughtful and thought-provoking” as it tells the vibrant and complex history of the modern conservation movement.

More info here.

July 9: Book Club #3 – Eve

The July Book Club will feature Cat Bohannon’s best-seller, Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Evolution. 

#nswasciwire – Recent work by our members

cover of "The Inner Clock" book

Peeples: Inner Clock

Lynne Peeples’ new book, “The Inner Clock: Living in Sync with our Circadian Rhythms” is now available for preorder from...
satellite photo of ice next to water

Petersen: Debunking Antarctic Ice Claim

For USA Today’s Fact Check team, Kate S. Petersen debunks a viral Facebook post that misrepresented new research on...
marsh in wooded area

Mesa: Struggling Western Wetlands

For High Country News, Natalia Mesa takes us on a tour of some of the West’s wetlands, whose ecological importance is...
photo taken in the dark of person in mock spacesuit bending over some scientific equipment

Witze: Moon Training

For a feature in Nature, Alexandra Witze joined a NASA team on its biggest dress rehearsal for Artemis III, the next human...
photo of mushrooms growing in grass

Hu: Legalization Woes

In a feature for The Atlantic, Jane C. Hu looks at the decriminalization of marijuana to shine a light on what may become...
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