
Science-related events in the Pacific Northwest

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June 13, 2024

Metcalf Annual Lecture Series presents: Implications of under-researching the South Atlantic for water scarcity in South America

Category: General Metcalf Annual Lecture Series presents: Implications of under-researching the South Atlantic for water scarcity in South America

June 13, 2024

Date & Time
Jun 13, 2024 10:00 AM
With Dr. Regina Rodrigues The climate of the northern region of South America, including the Amazon River basin, is highly dependent on the temperatures of the tropical South Atlantic. This is because the Intertropical Convergence Zone, a band of strong precipitation oriented from west to east just north of the equator, shifts north-south with the warmer temperatures of the tropical Atlantic. Excessive rain and floods in northern South America are often associated with the southward shift of the ITCZ when the waters of the tropical South Atlantic are warmer than those in the tropical North Atlantic. On the other hand, droughts in this region are linked to a northward shift of the ITCZ when the tropical North Atlantic is warmer. Therefore, a skilful forecast of rainfall in the region depends on accurately predicting the temperatures of the tropical South Atlantic. Unfortunately, the South Atlantic has been historically under-researched and as such regional forecast systems and global climate models do not simulate well the South Atlantic. To make matters worse, climate change alters the distribution of heat between the South and North Atlantic. For instance, a slowdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) due to climate change would lead to less heat being transported from the South Atlantic to the North Atlantic and, thus, to a warming of the South Atlantic. There is evidence that this is already happening. However, most of the AMOC research focuses on changes in the North Atlantic. Therefore, more research is needed to fully understand the past, present and future changes in the South Atlantic and the climate of South America.
Virtual Event


Hack Your Health — The Secrets of Your Gut; Anjali Nayar and Dr. Sean Gibbons

Category: General Hack Your Health — The Secrets of Your Gut; Anjali Nayar and Dr. Sean Gibbons

June 13, 2024

Your gut microbiome consists of trillions of microbiota and is a critical health determinant, affecting your immune system, mood, energy level, and much more. As a scientific field, microbiome research is new to the scene, but the intricate relationship between our gut and our overall health is clear – and getting clearer. In April, Netflix started streaming Hack Your Health, an informative documentary about the gut microbiome, gut health, and the science of eating.

In this collaborative event between Town Hall Seattle and the Institute for Systems Biology, Hack Your Health Director Anjali Nayar will sit down with gut microbiome specialist Dr. Sean Gibbons, a scientific advisor on the film, to discuss the project, interesting developments in microbiome research, and much more.

Town Hall Seattle
1119 8th Ave.
Seattle, WA 98101


Please note: NSWA provides these event details as a courtesy to science-related organizations throughout the Pacific Northwest. Please confirm event details with the sponsoring organization before attending.