NSWA is hosting a hybrid online and in-person trivia night at Bickerson’s Brewhouse in Seattle on Friday, September 6th from at 6:30-9:00 p.m. PT. Play as a team, mix it up with random other players, or strike out on your own as you battle to be the reigning monarch of minutia. The event is free and prizes will be given out to the winning team!
Register now by filling out this form.
Bickerson’s Brewhouse at 1514 Leary Wy NW, Seattle, WA 98107. An invitation to join us via Zoom will be emailed to all registered attendees prior to the event.
- Players can sign up as individuals or teams. In-person participants can register or form teams at the event, but we ask that online participants register beforehand. (Online participants can ask to be randomly placed on an online team, if possible).
- Online participants will play via Zoom.
- Answers will be input via Google Forms (so bring at least one working device).
- Prizes will be awarded to the winning team. Exact nature of the prizes TBA.
- Teams can have any number of players, however, to give everyone a fighting chance teams of more than six people will not be eligible for prizes, just the metaphorical prize of being really cool and good at trivia.
- Participants do not need to be part of NSWA to join.
Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84591019226
Answer Sheet: https://bit.ly/3XisQy7