What’s the best way to fight the spread of misinformation? When someone shares misleading facts about vaccines or climate change on Twitter, should we be furious — or should we try to be funny?
Recent research suggests that humor has an important role in countering misinformation about science. One study found that scientists are perceived as more likable, but no less credible, when they use humor to communicate their ideas.
How does it work? And what does it mean for journalists and science communicators? To find out, please join us on Thursday, January 27 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. Pacific for a lively discussion with experts from academia, journalism, and comedy writing.
Featured panelists:
—Eve Andrews, staff writer at Grist.org and longtime writer of Ask Umbra, an advice column about life under climate change
—Dr. Rachel Moran, postdoctoral scholar at the University of Washington studying misinformation and disinformation in digital environments
—Sarah Rose Siskind and Dr. Carolyn Ayers, a TV comedy writer and a data scientist who co-founded the science communication consulting group Hello SciCom
—Dr. Sara K. Yeo, an assistant professor of communication at the University of Utah interested in how emotions and humor affect public attitudes toward science
NSWA board member and occasional humor writer Mara Grunbaum will moderate. Register here to join the virtual event on January 27!
Image credit: “Misinformation” by 3dpete is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0