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Category: General So, you want to write a book...

7:00 pm
July 12, 2022

Registration page: So, you want to write a book...

Do you have a book inside bursting to get out? Do you have a really really long magazine piece that you suspect might actually be a book? Well, come hear from those who have walked the long slog of book publishing from proposal to print. These NSWA insiders will tip their hands and share their book-writing experiences. Join us at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 12 for a hybrid in-person and virtual (Zoom) event for a panel discussion, featuring Rebecca Heisman, Sandi Doughton, Bryn Nelson and Steve Olson.

Submit your questions when you register and we will build them into the discussion. Learn about the book publishing process and find out what it will take to see your name on bookstore shelves.

Tuesday, July 12, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. (PDT), Northeastern University (225 Terry Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109).

Register here: Northwest Science Writers Association - So You Want to Write A Book