Hannah Furfaro (left) and Starre Vartan (right).
The Northwest Science Writers Association will help send two of its members to writing conferences or workshops in the next year to advance their careers in science communication.
Seattle Times mental health reporter Hannah Furfaro and independent science journalist Starre Vartan will each receive up to $1,000 to defray their expenses through NSWA’s Career Development Awards program.
Hannah Furfaro is a mental health reporter at The Seattle Times. Her work covering medical science and psychiatry has appeared in Science, The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, Scientific American, and other publications. Lately, Hannah has focused her reporting on child and adolescent psychiatry. She’s planning to attend the 2022 Science Writers conference, where she hopes to connect with scientists, physicians, and other science writers who work in this field.
Starre Vartan is an independent science journalist based on Bainbridge Island, where she can regularly get lost in the many tidepools made possible by the unique geology there. An avid wild swimmer, trailrunner (barefoot when possible) and ceramist, she’s a writer who actually loves to write and pursues creative wordsmithing as well as science writing. Currently, her focus is on a book about women’s bodies, and sharing as many stories about PNW wildlife and environment as possible, while reveling in it; a former geologist, she still picks up rocks wherever she goes. She plans to attend a creative nonfiction workshop at the Madeline Island School of the Arts.
Stay tuned: Furfaro and Vartan will share insights from their experiences with NSWA in the future.