Recent work by our members

#nswasciwire highlights the published writing of NSWA members each month. Would you like to see your writing featured? Please suggest an item online or send a link or PDF file to Susan Keown at sciencewire@nwscience.org. The NSWA Board of Directors determines what material to present. We look forward to highlighting your work.

Johnson-Groh: Origin of Elements

Johnson-Groh: Origin of Elements

Carl Sagan said we’re made of “star stuff” but Mara Johnson-Groh has the details. For Astronomy, Mara reports on how the universe forges elements—from some like hydrogen made billions of years ago in the Big Bang to others for which we can thank our lucky, exploding...

Braun: Pebble Mine, In Depth

Braun: Pebble Mine, In Depth

Since 2019, NSWA Vice President Ashley Braun has reported for Hakai magazine on the controversial plans for the open pit Pebble Mine in Alaska. Ashley’s stories cover secret recordings of mine developer’s executives, expected harm to fisheries, and rushed reviews by...

Yan: Staying Power

Yan: Staying Power

Nuclear waste can outlive the human race, Wudan Yan reports in MIT Tech Review. And we’re running out of places to put it. In California, a decommissioned nuclear generating station is temporarily keeping nuclear waste in seismically active areas. Doesn't sound like a...

James: High Temperatures

James: High Temperatures

For the South Seattle Emerald, Sally James tells the story of two local healthcare professionals—both dancers with Bailadores de Bronce, which celebrates Mexican traditions—who are recovering from COVID-19. Sally @jamesian talks with respiratory therapist Federico...

DeWeerdt: Second Life

DeWeerdt: Second Life

Science writers have many talents, writes Sarah DeWeerdt for The Open Notebook. Yes, we write bestselling books and report hot science news. But we’re also poets, graphic artists, musicians, novelists, painters, choreographers, and more. Sarah (@DeWeerdt_Sarah) talks...