Yan: Cryptocurrency Noise

Yan: Cryptocurrency Noise

Earlier this year, Wudan Yan (@wudanyan) published a feature in Popular Mechanics on the noise pollution a cryptocurrency mine is inflicting on a small town in North Carolina. (The Open Notebook ran a behind-the-scenes piece on her story last month.) In her story, she...
Roach: Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Roach: Hydrogen Fuel Cells

John Roach (@byjohnroach) writes for Microsoft about how hydrogen fuel cells could provide emission-free backup power for data centers. He visits a hydrogen generator in New York state, where shipping containers house the 3-megawatt fuel cell system that recently came...

James: Niagra Falls of Data

Previous NSWA President Sally James (@jamesian) explains the conundrum—yottabytes of data that are more than any single researcher can handle—and the solution: Seattle. We have servers, scientists and smart technies, writes Sally in Seattle Business. New regional...