Peeples: Inner Clock

Peeples: Inner Clock

Lynne Peeples’ new book, “The Inner Clock: Living in Sync with our Circadian Rhythms” is now available for preorder from Riverhead Books. From the publisher: “Your body contains a symphony of tiny timepieces, synchronized to the sun and subtle signals in your...
Petersen: Debunking Antarctic Ice Claim

Petersen: Debunking Antarctic Ice Claim

For USA Today’s Fact Check team, Kate S. Petersen debunks a viral Facebook post that misrepresented new research on Antarctic ice shelves. The study looked at a subset of ice shelves and found they are growing, but the post conflates the ice shelves with the overall...
Mesa: Struggling Western Wetlands

Mesa: Struggling Western Wetlands

For High Country News, Natalia Mesa takes us on a tour of some of the West’s wetlands, whose ecological importance is belied by the fact that many are not only understudied — they are unmapped. She profiles new research on the Hoh Rainforest’s wetlands, which are...
Witze: Moon Training

Witze: Moon Training

For a feature in Nature, Alexandra Witze joined a NASA team on its biggest dress rehearsal for Artemis III, the next human mission to the moon. In the high desert of northern Arizona at night, astronauts practiced walking in spacesuits, conducting field geology, and...
Hu: Legalization Woes

Hu: Legalization Woes

In a feature for The Atlantic, Jane C. Hu looks at the decriminalization of marijuana to shine a light on what may become of the movement toward legalization of some psychedelics. Despite the massive strides it has made toward legal use, marijuana still is federally...
Rose: Overcoming Grizzly Vilification

Rose: Overcoming Grizzly Vilification

A hundred years after the last credible sighting of a grizzly bear in California, a new set of studies is challenging the bear’s longstanding fearsome reputation, writes Ian Rose for the Washington Post. The new research overturns longstanding conventional wisdom,...