Ostrander: Glacier Squad

Ostrander: Glacier Squad

For Hakai magazine, Madeline Ostrander goes on quite the hike. She travels with a team that has collected data on northwest glaciers for more than 35 years. Madeline (@madelinevo) gives us the history of the project, the glaciers, and the people who study them. She...

Hickey: Capturing a River—Arrr!

Geologists actually call it river piracy, writes Hannah Hickey, when one stream takes over another. Presumably, the geoscientists don’t yell “Shiver me timbers!” when they see it, but it’s hard to know because, Hannah writes, it happens...

Hickey: Splash

Hannah Hickey (@hickeyh), University of Washington News & Information, reports on two glaciology papers that made a figurative splash, including one that demonstrates that an Antarctic ice sheet is washing away before our eyes. Although we hear about climate...