A Pacific Northwest Workshop for Science CommunicatorsThank you to everyone who joined us on April 28, 2017, for Compelling Science Storytelling: A Pacific Northwest Workshop for Science Communicators. This was a one-day workshop and networking opportunity in Seattle, with a special emphasis for public information officers, including new science PIOs and former science journalists who are now PIOs.
Nearly 175 people attended, including those who traveled from Missouri, Utah, Colorado, California, Oregon, Idaho and Vancouver, British Columbia.
Two parallel tracks featured an all-star list of speakers and panelists, concluding with our keynote speaker Jacqui Banaszynski, of the Missouri School of Journalism, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who spoke on “Storytelling from the campfire to the cloud.” See the full list of panels or review the cleverly designed printed program (PDF).
Thanks to volunteers we were able to video record five different sessions from the program, including the keynote by Jacqui Banaszynski. Please find those videos to watch here.
We’re grateful to the National Association of Science Writers for providing the initial grant and to Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center for hosting the conference at its campus. And special thanks to our additional sponsors listed below [same icons and metal levels]
Check out more from the one-day conference on its Facebook page or Twitter feed @scistories17 (#scistories17).
If you have questions or would like more information, please contact NSWA member and conference co-chair Ellen Kuwana at
The regional conference was supported by the National Association of Science Writers and hosted by Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
Organizers included science writers and public information specialists from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Group Health Research Institute, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, PATH, Public Health–Seattle & King County, Seattle Children’s Research Institute, University of Washington, and Washington Global Health Alliance.
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