Recent work by our members

#nswasciwire highlights the published writing of NSWA members each month. Would you like to see your writing featured? Please suggest an item online or send a link or PDF file to Susan Keown at sciencewire@nwscience.org. The NSWA Board of Directors determines what material to present. We look forward to highlighting your work.

Rose: Overcoming Grizzly Vilification

Rose: Overcoming Grizzly Vilification

A hundred years after the last credible sighting of a grizzly bear in California, a new set of studies is challenging the bear’s longstanding fearsome reputation, writes Ian Rose for the Washington Post. The new research overturns longstanding conventional wisdom,...

Gillam: Helping Robots Walk, Run and Jump

Gillam: Helping Robots Walk, Run and Jump

For the University of Washington’s Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Wayne Gillam writes about a UW team that examined just why running, walking and jumping are so tough for robots outside of tightly controlled lab environments. Compared to their...

Zaske: THC in Breastmilk

Zaske: THC in Breastmilk

For Washington State University, Sara Zaske writes about new research examining how THC appears in breastmilk when mothers use cannabis. The psychoactive chemical shows up in milk at relatively low levels, the researchers found, but there was no consistent time after...

Okhata: VR Spurs Environmental Action

Okhata: VR Spurs Environmental Action

For the University of Oregon, Leila Okhata writes about new virtual reality research that shows how engaging people in stories told via 360-degree video or immersive virtual spaces increases their reported sense of closeness to an environmental problem that is not an...

Nelson: Anti-Reality Industry

Nelson: Anti-Reality Industry

In an opinion piece for Scientific American, Bryn Nelson calls on the scientific community and its allies to expose and counter the extremists who are using a variety of channels to propagate and popularize an interconnected web of conspiracy theories and outright...