Geiger: Pygmy Rabbit Conservation

Geiger: Pygmy Rabbit Conservation

Twenty years ago there were only a few dozen pygmy rabbits left in the Columbia Basin, Beth Geiger writes for the Nature Conservancy. Since then, governments, universities, organizations and bunny-loving individuals have worked together to try to breed the species in...
McCoy: Axolotl Conservation

McCoy: Axolotl Conservation

For NPR’s Short Wave podcast, Berly McCoy (@travlinscientst) and colleagues bring us the axolotl, a friendly-looking aquatic animal that has held a place of cultural importance for two thousand years in the area now known as Mexico City. These salamanders have several...
Mapes: Southern Resident Orcas

Mapes: Southern Resident Orcas

In her new book, “Orca: Shared Waters, Shared Home,” Lynda V. Mapes (@LyndaVMapes) documents the natural history of the Southern Resident orcas that live in the Puget Sound and the threats that the remaining 74 whales in this group face from habitat degradation, food...
Tompa: Measuring Bats’ Longevity

Tompa: Measuring Bats’ Longevity

Longevity researchers are fascinated by bats, writes Rachel Tompa (@rachel_tompa), since these animals defy the typical correlation between an animal species’ body size and its life span. Tompa writes for the Allen Institute about a new molecular clock method that can...