Snow Landa: Just in Time for August

Amy Snow Landa is an expert health writer and communicator (see @amylanda and her Seattle Times “Healthcare Checkup” archive). Amy recently joined The Fearey Group, a Northwest public relations and public affairs firm. She also makes a mean bruschetta. The photo in...

Fernando Gonzalez: Making the Most of 140

Ivan Fernando Gonzalez is a master of  the 140-character genre with bilingual tweets about science in Seattle and around the globe. He and @moefeliu wrote in Scientific American about . @GonzalezIvanF follows the flight of his tweets and packages his top topics. Want...

Silberner: Pressing Research

Numbers. Contacts. Advance notice. Joanne Silberner (@jsilberner), artist-in-residence at the University of Washington, tells scientists exactly what journalists need to tell a research story accurately in her excellent talk on “How to Work with the Press in Reporting...

McCarthy: Not a Mystery Novel

Simple tips from Michael McCarthy (@HealthGuide) can improve your scientific presentations. In NewsBeat for UW Health Sciences, Michael talks with communications expert Matt McGarrity, who says, get to the point! Science is not a mystery novel. More on local science...

Mónica Feliú-Mójer: Visual Wow

Mónica Feliú-Mójer (@moefeliu) shows us how a personal website is done, highlighting her work as a scientist and outreach manager for University of Washington Biostatistics. Don’t miss the video, photos of Puerto Rico and Seattle and other places Mónica has called...